Sunday, 7 January 2007

Blame It On The Rain

Fact: There are more wars in desert environments.

I have solved Job's question. There is war in the world because it doesn't rain enough. Think about it: if you show up for a battle and it's pissing it down with rain, you're hardly likely to have a morale high enough for war, are you? It hardly ever rains in the Middle East, hence the many wars there.

The weather in Wales is shite, and there's never any wars in Wales. I guess that's not proof of my theory though, seeing as there's nothing in Wales worth fighting over.'s just the truth. Scotland, as well. Those bearded loons only beat us in their rebellions because they're used to fighting semi-naked in crappy weather. Nice place Scotland... nice shortbread.

We can blame more than we think on the weather. Ireland conflict, perhaps? Fuck religion, blame the rain and wind that makes everyone a little edgy. (And yes, I DO understand the complex issues surrounding the politcal and religion segregation, before I get angry emails. I understand, I just think there's a more simpler explanation. In fact, there's no explanation at all.)

It's been raining since Donny Tourette left Big Brother. It always rains in the sad bits of movies, especially when the blood gets washed off a cool sword. Nobody likes getting out of bed when it's raining. In fact, rains means I have no social life because I can't wear dresses in the rain.

...I like rain though. Despite its drawbacks, it's alright really.

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